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To all the noobs unfamiliar about how to use the PGP Encryption this guide will be very helpful since it has been collected from various trusted sources. Before we start let me give you a small tip when you face the real world applications everything nowadays seems to be encrypted so knowing to work with PGP will make your information much safer and secure. Start encrypting your messages with this useful guide.

Let me introduce you what is PGP and why it is soo important to a person using Deep Web.

Gpg4usb Download Info Ggpg4usb is a very easy to use portable-application, which combines a simple text-editor with a GnuPG-frontend to write, encrypt and decrypt your text-messages. It should work on almost any computer you're working on, should it be a Linux-machine or even one with a Microsoft-OS running. OpenPGP is the most widely used email encryption standard. It is defined by the OpenPGP Working Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as a Proposed Standard in RFC 4880.OpenPGP was originally derived from the PGP software, created by Phil Zimmermann.

  • What is PGP
  • How PGP works
  • Why do We Opt for PGP
  • What does PGP mean to you

What is Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)

PGP is a digital data encryption program whereby the codes are used to overclock or mask the actual message. It was generated by Phil Zimmermann in 1997 a simple symmetric key algorithm to promote awareness of the privacy issue in a digital age.

The Software uses OpenPGP Standard in order to prevent the technology from being blocked by patents. Nowadays, By using GNU Privacy Gaurd (GPG) is the easiest way to use PGP.

Phil recognized that cryptography “is about the right to privacy, freedom of speech, freedom of political association, freedom of the press, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, freedom to be left alone.”

Partners in PGP communication understand each other’s capabilities or at least agree on PGP settings while evolving by supporting newer features and algorithms which are able to create better-encrypted messages that are not decryptable by older PGP Systems.

How PGP Works

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) works with the help of Variation of Public Key System. The PGP constitutes of two Keys -Public Key and Private Key. The Public Key which is used for Encryption that is publically known and a Private Key that is known only to the Specific user.

To encrypt the message you send you will need the public key of the receiver and the message is decrypted using their Private Key. As we know encrypting is a time-consuming process so PGP uses a faster encryption algorithm to encrypt the message and now the public key encrypts the shorter key that encrypted the entire message.

Now the Encrypted message and short key are sent to the receiver. The private key is used to decrypt and now the short key is used to decrypt the entire message.

PGP has Two Public Key Versions available – Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) and Diffie-Hellman. Both uses hash code where RSA uses the MD5 algorithm and Diffie-Hellman uses SHA-1 algorithm.

Why do we Opt for PGP

The main reason for suggesting to use PGP is it is good at encrypting data. If used correctly then anyone can’t determine the content encrypted by PGP.

However, you sent the information the law enforcement or any intermediate persons will never try to break the PGP code instead they will be looking to exploit the weakest links in the chain- passwords, keys, plaintext drafts/copies on a target’s computer, or the sender/recipient herself.

Even some Journalist or Whistleblowers information can be retired by using the Metadata analysis technique rather than focusing on the content.

What does PGP mean to you

For dwellers and users trying to making a secret communication in Deep Web or Surface web, it is important and a powerful tool to encrypt data but PGP isn’t enough to provide safer communication security. That’s where a VPN comes into play.


For Sending and Receiving encrypted messages you must focus on using Tor Browser rather than the general email clients.

Before we get on with the installation, The PGP tools are available on various platforms like Windows, OS X and on GNU/Linux(Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora etc). In this tutorial, we will be discussing PGP Installation on Windows Platform.

How to install PGP on Windows using GPG4WIN – Kleopatra

One of the basic guides for PGP on Windows. Any Windows os above 7 will work perfectly fine. We will be using the tool called for GPG4Win. Follow all the listed 8 steps to complete the installation and enjoy privacy.

Installing Gpg4win on Windows

  1. Now start downloading the Gpg4Win from Get the current latest version from the link provided above.
  2. Download the “Gpg4win 2.3.3” version on your PC.
  3. If you have User account control enabled then click on the ‘Yes’ on the on the window that appears.
  4. Choose your desired language and click ‘OK’ Button.
  5. Click ‘Next’, then ‘Next’ again. Select the Components to install. For better understanding about any component position your mouse over it for the description. We have selected ‘Kleopatra’, ‘GpgEX’, and ‘Gpg4win Compendium’. Then click ‘Next’.
  6. Enter the desired location for the install.
  7. Add the Shortcuts and the Start Menu folder and click ‘Next’ button.
  8. If you need to change any of the settings, Press ‘Back’ button or proceed further.
  9. Click ‘Next’ and finally ‘Finish’ it.

Now the fun part begins. Let’s start generating the Keys.

Start Generating your First Keypair

It’s time to generate your Keypair which will enable you to encrypt and decrypt the messages. We Choose to use the 4096 bit RSA for better advantage.

  1. Once you Open Kleopatra, you will get the home screen.
  2. In the Click on ‘File’ Menu and ‘New Certificate‘ Options.
  3. The Certificate Creation Wizard will display 2 options, Click on the first one i.e ‘Create a personal OpenPGP key pair’.
  4. In the Next Window, Enter your Name (Do not enter the real name try any alias name), Email and comments not mandatory it’s up to you.
  5. If you could see the Advanced Settings on the bottom, click on it and it’s important. In the Technical Details Tab, Under the Key Materials, Select the RSA Radio Button and Choose 4096 bits from the adjacent drop down box.
  6. Click on the OK Button.
  7. Now Review Certificate Parameters Entered previously before tapping on the ‘Create Key‘.
  8. Enter the PassPhrase on the pop-up windows and click on the OK Button.
  9. Now the Key Generation will start. It will need you to make some random things like – Enter some gibberish text in the box below, watch some cat videos and whatever you do make it disk-intensive work.
  10. Yes, it’s done. Your Key is generated. Go ahead and Click on ‘Finish’.

Exporting your Public Key[Certificates]

Get back to the home screen. Let’s start exporting your Public Key for communication(Public Key is the one you can post anywhere).

  1. Right click on the newly generated key, then click ‘Export Certificates…’
  2. Save it to any location on your computer.
  3. To view the saved Public Key. You must open the Notepad and File-> Open and select the All Files in the drop-down box.
  4. Now, this is your Public Key.

You can add this key to your Marketplace profiles for people to contact you.

Exporting your Private Key[Secret Keys]

Repeat the Same Procedure that you followed in exporting the Public Key with a little bit difference.

  1. Now Right click -> Export Secret Keys.
  2. You can name the key file and click on ASCII armor Checkbox.

Both key files are stored in .asc file format. So Keep them safe somewhere. Click OK once it is finished.

Importing your Public Key

If you need to send a message that is encrypted then a public key is mandatory.

  1. Now navigate to the recently saved Public Key and open the Key using the Notepad.
  2. Copy the entire Public Key from ‘—–BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK—–‘ to ‘—–END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK—’ like the picture below.
  3. Make a right-click on the Gpg4win Kleopatra icon on the taskbar and Clipboard-> Certificate Import.
  4. Once it is successful you will get a pop-up window.
  5. Now check the imported key, Under the ‘Other Certificates‘ tab.

Importing your Private Key

  1. Under the File Menu, Click on Import Certificates.
  2. Browse to the location where the secret key (Private Key) is stored.
  3. Click on the Open button to start the import.
  4. After Successful Certificate Import Result. Click on ‘OK’ Button.
  5. Tap on ‘My Certificates‘ tab to see the key information.

Begin Message Encryption Process

  1. In the Text editor, Type you message and copy it.
  2. In the taskbar, right click on Kleopatra Clipboard -> Encrypt the message.
  3. Now click ‘Add Recipient‘.
  4. On the ‘Other Certificates’ tab, Select who you want to send the message to, then click ‘OK’.
  5. You should be back to the previous window with the recipient listed. Click ‘Next’
  6. If the Encryption is successful.Click on ‘OK’ Button.
  7. Below is the Encrypted Message will be in the clipboard, all you need to do is paste it in the message box and send to your recipient.

Decrypt the Encrypted Message

Decryption of the Message is very easy and Simple.

  1. Copy the Entire message that you had sent.
  2. In the Task Bar, Right Click on the Kleopatra icon, Clipboard-> Decrypt/Verify.
  3. Enter the passphrase and click OK.
  4. A window should pop up verifying it was decrypted, and copied to your clipboard. Click ‘Finish’
  5. You can view the message by pasting in the text editor.

Hope this guide was very useful for sending encrypted messages in the Darknet markets. Comment below if you have any issues while installing PGP.

Gpg4win 3.1.15 (Released: 2021-01-12)

You can download the full version (including the Gpg4win compendium)of Gpg4win 3.1.15 here:

Gpg4usb Website

OpenPGP signature (for gpg4win-3.1.15.exe)
SHA256: 58b4de192ce0f3a7f25766e96ec379a8f125e3a1e2bdb2519c185a03a0a4ed4c

More Gpg4win-3.1.15 downloads

  • Gpg4win source code package:
    gpg4win-3.1.15.tar.bz2 (Size: 273 MByte)
    OpenPGP signature
    SHA256 checksum: 3f04482b7f80ab5f4846d3fcfab45e825d2a506e9348ba6e266fe6cc44811081
  • All versions and OpenPGP signatures:
  • To create a portable Gpg4win version use the included tool mkportable.exe.
    HOWTO: Install Gpg4win with all components and then run from the command line (cmd) in install directory: mkportable.exe [OPTIONS] TARGETDIR. Use mkportable.exe --help to get all options. The portable version does not include GpgOL and GpgEX! Your certificates and settings are saved in the directory 'home' of portable version.
    Please note: Do not use portable applications - especially crypto applications - on potentially infected systems.
    For the full mkportable version of Gpg4win you have to install all components including GPA. Additionally the name of the target folder has to be at least four characters long.


After downloading please verify the integrity of your Gpg4win package. Then double-click on the file you have downloaded and follow the instructions on the screen (or look at the documentation) and read the current README file.

Gpg4win Compendium 3.0.0(Released: 2016-11-30)

You find the current PDF and HTML version of the Gpg4win Compendiumhere:

Read the documentation page for more information about available Gpg4win documentation.

All Downloads

Current and all previous Gpg4win installers as well as signatures and correspondingsource code packages are available

In the change historyyou will find information about the most relevant changes and whichversion of the products each of the releases contained.Also, you will find direct download link for the old releases.

Gpg4usb Mac Download Software

All Beta releases (with OpenPGP-Signatures)

Please note that old releases may still contain meanwhile fixed security issues.

The publicGpg4win git repositorycontains the current Gpg4win source code.


We recommend to subscribe to theGpg4win announcement mailing listto be automatically informed about new releases and otherimportant Gpg4win news.

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